Improving Quality of Science Teacher Training in European Cooperation
By the end of the three-year project, the partnership will have the following outputs:
- Nature: compendium;
- Volume: 10 pages;
- Content: defined competencies of science teachers and developeded a common structure for the sciences teacher training and the modules of study;
- Language: EN;
- Target group: Science trainee teachers and tutors in schools and other education institution in the participating countries and other European countries;
- The period of delivery: Year 1
- Teaching/Learning environment: Home institutions;
- Partners contribution: involved all co-operating countries, main responsibility LT, printing CZ.
- 5 new modules: Teaching Science for Understanding - a human constructivist view; Assessing Science for Understanding - a constructivist approach; European Dimension in Integrated Science Education; Using the Laboratory to Enhance Student Learning and Scientific Inquiry; Student Learning and the Science Curriculum;
- Volume: each module 5 pages at least;
- Content: a common structure for the award comprising Rationale, Aims, Learning Outcomes for both the whole programme and for each module; use of an ECTS-compatible credit structure; and common learning, teaching and assessment approaches.
- Language: EN, some modules in national languages of participating countries;
- Target group: prospective science teachers -students of initial teacher training; practising teachers in schools;
- The period of delivery: Year 2 and beyond;
- Teaching/Learning environment: Home institutions;
- Partners contribution: involved all co-operating countries, main responsibility CZ.
Training materials
- Newly developed training materials on-line delivered and in hard copy: Teaching Science for Understanding - a human constructivist view; Assessing Science for Understanding - a constructivist approach; European Dimension in Integrated Science Education; Using the Laboratory to Enhance Student Learning and Scientific Inquiry; Student Learning and the Science Curriculum
- Volume: each training material 15 pages at least in 50 hard copies and CD Roms (50 pieces);
- Content: support for students;
- Language: EN, some materials in national languages of participating countries;
- Target group: prospective science teachers -students of initial teacher training; practising teachers in schools;
- The period of delivery: Year 2 and beyond;
- Teaching/Learning environment: Home institutions;
- Partners contribution: involved all co-operating countries, main responsibility CZ and TR.
- Nature: collection of materials produced with science teacher students;
- Volume: 2 portfolio from each participating countries, 10 pages at least/each;
- Content: description of the best student practice;
- Language: EN;
- Target group: science teacher students;
- The period of delivery: Year 3;
- Teaching/Learning environment: Home institutions;
- Partners contribution: involved all co-operating countries, main responsibility BG.
- Nature: an appropriate programme structure and quality assurance process;
- Content: a short description of objectives and aims of the project; a short description of the project participants, the necessary learning resources, modules, portfolios of student, training materials;
- Language: EN and languages of participating countries;
- Target group: teacher trainers in participating countries, students in initial teacher training, teacher training institutions, science teachers in schools.
- The period of delivery: Year 2 and beyond;
- Teaching/Learning environment: www;
- Partners contribution: involved all co-operating countries, main responsibility CZ and CY.
E-learning course
- Nature: an appropriate e-learning course;
- Content: all newly developed modules and newly developed training materials in shorter version in specific e-learning design;
- Language: EN;
- Target group: science teacher students; teachers in practice;
- The period of delivery: Year 3;
- Teaching/Learning environment: www;
- Partners contribution: involved all co-operating countries, main responsibility CY.
All partners will contribute, design to the production of the outputs. Each partner will be responsible for preparation and design of 1 module. Modules will be available in e-learning version and on web site. Partners will produce modules and training materials which will support learning activities of students. Production will be distributed among partners. These will be edited as a group at a meeting and published and disseminated. These modules will be implemented in the teacher training in each institution. New partnership and learning community will be established under this project between cooperating institutions. Partners will share experience in using modules and training materials in their initial science teacher training.