Improving Quality of Science Teacher Training in European Cooperation
The overall aim of the project as well as its specific objectives.
The overall aim is to:
- contribute to the improvement of the quality of initial science teacher training in the participating countries;
- analyse and compare teacher training programmes, review and develop training modules;
- provide insights into the strategic aspects of teacher training; allow for interchange of ideas amongst practising sciences teachers and teacher trainers in an international setting;
- provide a framework for individual to extend and develop relevant elements of his/her own competence;
- enhance the participants' knowledge of aspects of European dimension and the principles of constructivist theory in science teacher training;
The specific objectives are the following:
- To explore and develop new ways of initial training for science teachers based on European cooperation;
- To establish cooperation and partnership between participating departments;
- To design 5 new modules for science teacher training;
- To implement European dimension in the newly designed modules;
- To introduce new pedagogical methods based on constructivist approach in science teacher training;
- To design teaching and learning materials for science teaching at initial teacher training;
- To make students training to be teachers and their tutors aware of new pedagogical methods based on the constructivist approach;
- To present these materials on web site of the project;
- To disseminate the project knowledge and experience on educational conferences and in educational journals;
- To implement and develop portfolio assessment of prospective science teachers;
- To disseminate successful outcomes by means of designed modules and a collection of training materials with the best European practice.