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Improving Quality of Science Teacher Training in European Cooperation

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©2007 - 2009    created by: Petr Hamal

University of Plovdiv "Paisii Hilendarski", Faculty of Education

Contact person Gender Female
Family name Epitropova First name Ani
Department/Unit Faculty of Education
Official function within the institution Associated professor, lecturer, researcher
Telephone (including country and area code + 359 32631453 Fax (including country and area code) + 359 635049
E-mail ahs@abv.bgnadya@pu.acad.bg

Expertise and role

The Faculty of Education is one of the eight faculties of University of Plovdiv. It is involved in initial teachers training in areas of Primary School Pedagogic, Pre-School Pedagogic, Social Pedagogy, Special Needs Pedagogic and Physical Education and extra mural education. This institution offers training of prospective teachers from divers group of minorities of south part of the country. The Faculty of Education provides university courses and in-service training for teachers who want to continue their professional development and offers Master programs in Education. Institution is involved in several Socrates projects. The contact person for the project is author of the most widely used textbooks in primary science education. The areas of expertise offered involve topics as student-centred strategies in science education, ICT in science education, Integrated Science Curriculum.

Specific tasks

This institution will be responsible for: organization of 1meeting of the project team in BG, collection of materials, design of 1 module ´Student Learning and the Science Curriculum´; design of training materials,2 students´ portfolio and co-ordination of the work on students´ portfolio.