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Improving Quality of Science Teacher Training in European Cooperation

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©2007 - 2009    created by: Petr Hamal

University of Cyprus, Department of Education

Contact person Gender Male
Family name Valanides First name Nicos
Department/Unit Department of Education
Official function within the institution Associate professor
Telephone (including country and area code (+)35722753760 Fax (including country and area code) (+)35722377950
E-mail nichri@ucy.ac.cy

Expertise and role

The CY higher institution is the teacher training institutions providing initial and in-service training. Department of Education, Faculty of humanities and Social Sciences has long years experience with an initial training of teacher. Expertise: Dr. Valanides is a specialist in the fields of teacher training, methodology of teaching and science education and the development of scientific attitudes and appropriate education and interventions. He is author of the most widely used textbooks. He is a specialists in the field of the application of constructivism to the chemistry education. He has experience in co-operation: scientist exchange programmes with several European and non-European universities in all fields, SOCRATES/ERASMUS in the project subjects with several universities, project co-ordination in several international projects in chemistry education.

Specific tasks

This institution will be responsible for organization of the 1 meeting of the project team in CY, web site of the project in co-operation with CZ, design of 1 module ´Teaching Science for Understanding - a human constructivist view´; design of training materials, design of e-learning course with shorter version newly developed modules and training materials.